Author: paologatti
Admission Deadlines: Friday, March 20th, 2020
Admission Deadlines:
Closing date for applications: Friday, March 20th, 2020
Beginning of classes: Tuesday, March 24th, 2020
for more informations visit the link below:
Seminars, lectures and concerts among Italy and Malta
During November 2019, there will be some events involving the Master in Sonic Arts.
18th November: a seminar on the soundscape composition, in collaboration with University “Roma Tre”. More details HERE
26th November: an electronic music workshop focused on the composition of acousmatic music, followed by a concert in quadriphony . More details HERE
27th November: a workshop focused on music for film and videogames. More details HERE
28th November: a Max Msp workshop in collaboration with the University of Malta and the Westchester Community College of New York. More details HERE
Multimedia Concert in collaboration with Conservatory of Rome
Monday 17th September, has taken place at the Auditorium Ennio Morricone, a Multimedia Concert, organized by the Master in Sonic Arts, in collaboration with the Conservatory Santa Cecilia of Rome. The concert has involved students coming from both the Institutions. The students have had the opportunity to perform their works and compositions realized during the academic year.
Springtime Study Concerts: Il Clarinetto e l’Elettronica
Springtime Study concerts: the next event is scheduled for Tuesday the 28th of May 2019 at the Auditorium “Ennio Morricone” (Faculty of Art, University of Rome Tor Vergata). More details on the program.
Lecture and performance Amble Skuse (University of Plymouth)
Summer School 2018/2019
Summer School (10th June – 2th July 2019)
7th edition
The course is divided into three modules, that you can access separately. In the first two modules, the main features and aspects regarding the softwares Ableton Live and Max Msp / Jitter (with particular reference to the interaction among various art forms like music, video and dance ) will be addressed. During the lessons, different techniques for synthesis and elaboration of sound and interfaces dedicated to live performance, will be dealt with appropriately. Students will be involved in practical experiences and exercises with regard to music composition and improvisation. At the end of the courses will be organized some music, video and dance performances and within the program of these events, pieces composed by the students will be also performed. In the third module, some of the orchestration techniques related to contemporary music (with particular reference to film industry) will be discussed. At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, indicating the modules which they attended. Students that will realize the project work, will achieve up to 9 college credits (CFU), according to attended courses.
Module 1 – audio / video performance with Max and Jitter (3CFU)
Composition with Max Msp
– introduction to Max Msp
– control and audio signals
– patches and objects
– debugging
– how to create user interface and tools in presentation mode
– extras menu
– computer and hardware configuration
Composition with Jitter
– Introduction to video signals
– introduction to matrices
– features and arguments in Jitter objects
– data type in Jitter: char, long, float32
– how to create a matrix
– matrices and mathematics
– ARGB colors
– working with audio and video in real time
– video effects
– controlling video through audio and MIDI
– 3D modelling
Module 2 – Composition Techniques between Art and Popular Music (3CFU)
The aim of this module is to provide the students the basics of electroacoustic music composition in different styles. In particular, lessons will focus on analysis of compositional forms in computer music, so we can identify analogies and differences between genres related to art electronic music or popular electronic music.
The list of subjects is as follows:
– Technical listening in popular and art music
– Forms and gestures in art and popular electronic music
– Ableton Live: main features, tools for composition and music production
– Creation of composition structures in various styles with Ableton LIve
– Basics of mixing and mastering
Module 3 – Orchestration Techniques in contemporary Film Music (3CFU)
In this module some orchestration techniques used in contemporary film music industry will be described and analyzed. Students can choose one of the following activities:
a) Composition and orchestration of an original sound track on assigned video
b) Orchestral rehearsals and final concert, linked to the music composed in the activity mentioned at point “a”
c) Amplification and recording of an Orchestra performance linked to the activity mentioned in point “b”
Artistic Performances
During the Summer School, participants will be involved in the organization and realization of some multimedia concerts (including music, video and dance). Concerts will take place in the following dates:
– Wednesday 26th June, 6pm – Sala Accademica del Conservatorio Santa Cecilia di Roma, via dei Greci 18, Roma
– Friday 28th June, 8pm – Accademia Filarmonica Romana
– Tuesday 2th July, 5pm – Auditorium “Ennio Morricone”, via Columbia 1, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma
Within the program of concert of 2th july, also works composed by students of Summer School will be performed.
Are allowed to attend the Summer School, students in possession of High School DIploma.
Registration Fee
It is possible to enroll separately in any module of the Summer School. Participation to Summer School requires the payment of enrollment fee according to the following indications:
Module 1 (3CFU): € 150
Module 2 (3CFU): € 150
Module 3 (3CFU): € 200
Module 1+ Module 2 (6CFU): € 200
Module 1+Module2+ Module 3 (9CFU): € 350
The registration fee has to be paid before the 30th of May 2019, through credit transfer made out to:
– Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Unicredit Bank
– IBAN: IT26X0200805168000400695175
– purpose of the payment: Registration to the Summer School PERFORMING THE SPACE 2019.
Participation to the Summer School is free of charge for students of Master in Sonic Arts
Registration procedure
People interested in enroll in our courses can fill the enrollment module and send it to the e-mail mastersonicarts@uniroma2.it no later than Thursday 30th May 2019.
the following documents need to be enclosed to the e-mail:
Enrollment Module
Receipt of payment
Curriculum Vitae
Wallet size photo
Self Certification or certificate of High School Diploma
Springtime Study Concerts
art direction: Giovanni Costantini, Giorgio Nottoli
The Master in Sonic Arts of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, presents the fifth edition of Spring Time Study Concerts. For the current academic year, the series of concerts is formed by three events, each of which is dedicated to a specific topic related to electroacoustic music. Within the program of the events, there are also seminars, lessons and conferences, covering arguments and aspects directly linked to the concerts. The aims of Spring Time Study concerts are basically two: the first is to offer students the possibility to participate to events of international concern, in which they can deepen some of the topics dealt with in class; the second is to engage students and lecturers with an immersive listening experience, including pieces and compositions coming from the contemporary music scene.
The program of the events is as follows:
Friday 5th April 2019
Title: The improvisation in contemporary music
compositions by: Giovanni Costantini, Stanislav Makowsky, Corrado Rojac, Giancarlo Schiaffini
Piano: Giuseppe Giuliano
Trombone: Giancarlo Schiaffini
Sound Engineering: Federico Scalas
Friday 10th May 2019
Title: The soundscape
more details coming soon
Tuesday 28th May 2019
Title: Clarinet and Electroacoustic Music
compositions by: Philip Ciantar, Giovanni Costantini, Carlos Delgado, John Galea, Paolo Gatti, Giorgio Nottoli, Riccardo Santoboni
Clarinet: Luca Cipriano
Sound Engineering: Federico Scalas
The conferences will take place at Laboratorio di Ricerca sul Suono “Piero Schiavoni” (LARS – Room P10), first floor, Faculty of Arts, University of Rome Tor Vergata, via Columbia 1, Rome
The concerts will take place at the Auditorium “Ennio Morricone”, Faculty of Arts, via Columbia 1, Rome
Free Entry
Partnership with University of Malta
We are pleased to announce our new partnership with the University of Malta, School of Performing Arts.
new web site
welcome to the new web site of the Master in Sonic Arts (english version); enjoy your stay.