Academic Year 2024/2025 – Applications Open


The applications for the academic year 2024/2025 are open.


An on-line Open Day will be organized soon; if you want to attend it , kindly send an-email to and you will receive the link for on-line event;


To enroll in the Sonic Arts Program, applicant needs to pre-enroll and once the list of admitted candidates is published, it will be possible to enroll and complete the whole procedure.



To enroll in the Sonic Arts Program, applicants need to hold a Bachelor Degree;

no English Certificate will be asked but a sufficient proficiency in english is a necessary requirement in order to attend the lessons in a fruitful way ;


Kindly keep in mind the following deadlines:

15/01/2025: pre-enrollment deadline (the pre-enrollment is free and it is necessary but not binding in order to correctly enroll in the program);

18/01/2025: publication of the admitted students list;

19/02/2025: enrollment deadline and payment deadline of the first instalment (1246 euros)

April 2025: starting of courses

19/05/25: payment deadline for the second instalment (1100 euros)


The pre-enrollment is free and it is not binding but necessary in order to correctly enroll in the program; 

informations about Pre-enrollment can be found here: 

To pre-enroll (before 15th January 2025) in the Master in Sonic Arts, it is necessary to follow this procedure :

  • download and fill the APPLICATION FORM 2024/2025, then send it to (the application form has to be in .rtf format and has to be filled electronically, without signature). In the e-mail, has to be included the following documentation:
  • curriculum vitae;
  • wallet size photo;
  • self-certification or certificate of graduation (indicating the University, the type of degree and the final grade). The self-certification can be downloaded through the following LINK
  • register before 15th January 2025 at Delphi web site using the following guide: DelphiProcedure

regarding the enrollment (before 19th February) click HERE for the registration procedure 


Kindly remember that for the foreigners students, in order to correctly enroll, it is necessary to send us also the DOV (declaration of VALUE) of the Bachelor Degree . The DOV needs to be sent before the ENROLLMENT DEADLINE (which is 19/02/2025)

It is also necessary to have the equivalence to the italian system with regards to the amount of years of study ( which needs to be 16 years: in Italy for example the 16 years are broken down as follows: 5 years Elementary School, 3 years Medium School, 5 years High School, 3 years Bachelor Degree)

We strongly recommend to start well in advance the procedure  to obtain the Declaration of Value . In fact, this procedure may take up to 1 month or even more. The Declaration of Value can be obtained through CIMEA ( or through the Consulate situated in the home country of the applicant; Usually procedure through CIMEA is faster;



For participation in the course, it is necessary to pay the registration fee of 2346 euros which is broken down as follows:

1246 euros at the moment of registration ( before 19th February 2025) . This amount includes the fee of 16 euros for the stamp and the fee of 130 euros for issuing the degree certificate;

1100 euros for the second instalment (before 19th May 2025);

It is also possible to complete the program in 2 years (in this case the student will need to pay a third instalment of 600 euros before February 2026) or in 3 years ( in this case the student will need to pay a fourth instalment of 600 euros before February 2027);

Enrollment as Auditor:

For those that don’t hold a Bachelor degree or for those that for any reasons prefer to attend the courses without taking the exams and achieving the Program, it is possible to enroll in the Program as an auditor, completing regularly the pre-enrollment section or enrolling in the Music Production course (;

Those who enroll as auditor will have the possibility to access all the activities of the Sonic Arts Program but will not achieve the training credits ( CFU). AT the end of the course they will receive a University Certificate of participation issued by  the Sonic Arts Program; 

The tuition fee for the Auditors is 1500 euros, and this fee needs to be paid through a single instalment at the time of registration (before 19th February 2025);

For Auditors it is not required the Declaration of Value


Pre-Enrollment informations are summarized at the following LINK

Enrollment informations are summarized at the following LINK