Paolo Gatti is a composer in the field of electronic and electroacoustic music. He studied electric guitar with V. Grieco, classical guitar with M. Bonesi and piano with R. Magni. He is graduated in environmental engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata (with a thesis titled: polymeric membranes for application in fuel cells, supervisor M.L. Di Vona), sound engineering at the same University (with a thesis titled: automatic music transcription based on Elman neural networks, supervisor G. Costantini) and computer music at the Conservatory of Rome Santa Cecilia (B.A. degree with a thesis titled: laptop music, history and evolution of a language, supervisor G. Nottoli; M.A. degree with a thesis titled: where the conscious atomism mediates between unpredictability and structure, supervisors M. Lupone, N. Bernardini). During his academic experience, he also studied computer music with C.E. Cella, S. Petrarca, R. Santoboni. Some of his compositions have been performed in venues such as Teatro Argentina (Rome), MAXXI (museum of Arts of the XXI Century, Rome), Cariplo Factory (Milan), Palazzetto dei Nobili (L’ Aquila), Museo della Mente (Rome), Accademia di San Luca (Rome), Conservatory of Avellino, Conservatory of Rome, Auditorium Ennio Morricone (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Teatro India (Rome), Teatro Tor Bella Monaca (Rome), St. James Cavalier Theatre (Valletta, Malta); Paolo Gatti music has been performed also within the programs of events and festival worldwide: Festival R.Bianchini (Rome), Emufest (Electronic Music Festival, Conservatory of Rome), IFIMPAC 2016 (Leeds, UK), NYCEMF 2016 (New York, USA), ISSTA 2017, (Dundalk, Ireland), Science in the city 2017 and 2018 (Valletta, Malta), Malta International Arts Festival, (Valletta, Malta), Muslab 2016 and 2017 (Mexico City, Mexico). In 2015 his work for violin and electronics called Poltergeist was one of the awarded compositions at the end of the Arts National Prize, Claudio Abbado. In 2017 his composition Senhalte earned a special mention at the Forum Wallis, Swiss Contemporary Music Festival. He recorded for Video Radio, Studiololaps, Neuma Records, for the label of the Conservatory of Avellino D. Cimarosa and for Folderol Records. As a performer of electroacoustic music he played during events and festival such as: Arte e Scienza (Rome), Emufest(Rome), Slaps Pourri (Rome), For Your Ears Only (Gzira, Malta). He has also composed music for theatre shows (such as S.P.E.M., in collaboration with the National Academy of Drama S. D’Amico and “Do you need a beating heart”, written by Lizzie Elridge and produced by the company More or Less Theatre) , dance performances (such as EXT, in collaboration with the Department of Dance Studies, University of Malta), poetry performances and festivals (such as the festival Palabra en El Mundo). He has collaborated with Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Rome), leading computer music courses in various public schools and from 2011 to 2017 he worked as music teacher in various academies and training centers in the field of music (such as Absonant Training Center). Paolo Gatti has delivered lectures in the field of electronic music composition at the University of Malta (Department of Music Studies) and at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata. In 2019 he taught classes in music composition during the Festival “De Natura Sonorum” which has taken place at Mattatoio (Rome). After winning a scholarship in 2016, he has been based in Malta for 7 months during 2017, doing an internship at PBS, the national radio of Malta, whereby he has been involved as music composer. Currently he teaches music technology in public schools and electronic music composition, sound synthesis technologies and technologies and techniques for live electronics at the Master in Sonic Arts ( english version ).