Acoustics and psychoacoustics in music

Acoustics of open spaces
The chain of the Sound. Fundamentals of acoustics. Ideal and real harmonic oscillator. Analogy with Maxwell. Acoustic resonators and vibrating panels: design criteria. Representation of an audio signal in the time domain and frequency domain. Characteristic parameters. Fourier’s theorem for non-periodic and periodic signals. Interference between sinusoidal and complex sounds. Comb effect. Outline of synthesis techniques for distortion (RM, FM, WS).

Acoustics of closed spaces
Behavior of the pressure wave in relation to the wavelength. Sound Absorption. Reverberation time. Acoustic geometry. Perceptual parameters of the sound in the characterization of an environment. Sound diffusion. Design criteria of RPG QRD. Simulated interference: comb effect, chorus, flanger and phaser.

Physical models
Sound of vibrating strings: d’Alembert solution of the string through and through analogy to Maxwell; physical model Karplus Strong.
Acoustic sound tubes: physical model feedback; wind instruments shape: Bessel’ pipes.
The voice features, formant synthesis, LPC analysis of the voice.
acoustic of vibrant bars.
Acoustic of membranes.
Acoustics of the plates.

General laws of psychoacoustics. Fundamentals of psychoacoustics. Integration time of the ear. Echo phenomenon. Combination of two pure tones: a critical band, critical ghost sounds produced by the distortion of the cochlea. Combination of pure tone and noise masking. Combination of complex sounds: masking effect and party effect. Lyrical voice and orchestra. Comb, chorus, reverb from the perceptual point of view.
Perception of frequency: limen frequencial, perception of the octave, the fundamental perception of a complex tone.
Perception of timbre: spectral evolution, the envelope amplitude effects on the stamp. Transposition timbres. Stretching of the partials. Transient attack and timbral fusion. Timbral compression and expansion: Mac Adams formula. Perception of vowels: retention in the category of voice.
Perception of melodic contours: φ phenomenon; helligeit, significance and correlation interval and time. Loudness perception: limen of intensity response of the ear; dBSPL; temperaments and scales: types of temperaments and scales in the evolution of musical language; emancipation of compositional parameters in relation to the temperaments and scales. Construction of scales and temperaments original. Perception of harmonic aggregates: categorical perception, redundancy, and consonance. The classical theories she consonance. Physiology of the ear. Distortion of the cochlea. Sound localization. Haas effect. Reverberation and source localization. Acoustic illusions. Other acoustic phenomena of spatial order and temporal order.