Caterina Tomeo is an art historian and carries out research, also working as a critic and curator. She is specialised in Contemporary Art, with a focus on inter-disciplinary arts and research in New Media Art and Sonic Arts. She is coordinator of MAD in “Multimedia Arts and Design” at RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, where she also is Academic Council Representative and professor. She is lecturer in the Master in “Economics and Management of Art and Culture” of the Sole 24 Ore Business School in Rome, and in the Master in “Management of Art and Cultural Heritage” of Giunti Academy – School of Management in Florence. Until 2018 she was co-director of Spring Attitude Festival; currently she collaborates with international festivals in the fields of electronic music and contemporary culture. She is a co-founder of the Sound Studies Forum, the first research network on sound studies in Italy, in collaboration with the University of Urbino. She is art director and curator of the Sound Box at the Mattatoio in Rome. Her most recent publications and essays include: Sound Art. Ascoltare è come vedere (Castelvecchi, 2017); Sonic Arts. Tra esperienza percettiva e ascolto attivo (Castelvecchi, 2019); L’elettronica è donna. Corpi, media, pratiche Transfemministe e Queer (Castelvecchi, november 2021); Dance Dance Dance. L’Interzone tra il sound dei Joy Division e la Rave Era, in (a cura di) Alfonso Amendola e Linda Barone, Our vision touched the sky (Rogas Edizioni, 2021).